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Unlocking Web3 Superpowers for Next-Gen Corporate Venture Building

Hout Bay Haus tackles real-world challenges that corporates are dealing with by combining established venture-building best practices with amazing talent and enterprise-grade Web3 capabilities.We are your partner in corporate venture building and innovation, working hand in hand with you to turn bold ideas into thriving ventures.Our versatile team of successful founders and executives brings the entrepreneurial spirit and startup-like agility to drive tangible business results, from idea and concept to launch and scaling.

What we mean with Impact and our manifesto

Impact Ventures

We design, build, and launch real-world digital businesses which always seek to create a positive social and financial impact. Humanity's challenges make that an imperative.

decentralisation delivers business value

Web3 is ready for business

The high potential of the existing Web3 stack to positively impact real-world business has already been proven many times over.

Hout Bay Haus accelerates your innovation into web3

How we create value for you

Our "full stack venture building" approach enables our partners to focus on their core business, while we build and operate the next transformative digital venture.We have "Enterprise" in our DNA. We know that the adoption of Web3 in any large organisation will be the result of many well-executed deliberate steps with a strong focus on ROI and the existing process and decision-making landscape.


Web3 capabilities used in business today

What about existing use cases?

Tokenized US Treasuries have already reached $600M+ in total value, allowing incumbent issuers to access new buyers.It is expected that tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs) could grow to $5 trillion in market value in the next five years, led by stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDC), private market funds, securities and real estate.At the South African grocery retailer Pick n Pay's over 1600 stores customers can now pay for purchases using Bitcoin.

Let's take a closer look at more businesses that already use Web3 to their advantage.

Experienced, creative & skilled

Team & Advisors

Our team has built start-ups, scale up's, greenfield telcos, corporate ventures, Web2 and Web3 ventures and has taken companies from idea to large exits/ successful value contribution for the enterprise.Hout Bay Haus is a team of highly talented, creative, successful and experienced venture builders on a mission to drive enterprise adoption of Web3. Our top-tier team drawn from diverse industries and disciplines has the scars and accolades you would expect from a partner you are building the next disruptive venture with.Our world-class advisors from across business and technology are actively involved in our relentless pursuit of value creation.

Ecosystem Superpowers

Our Partners, collaborators and friends

It's through our partners that we are able to build the most amazing and successful ventures. Ecosystem thinking and acting is at the heart of our manifesto and everyday actions.We are proud to work with


Contact us

Let's build the next transformative venture together!

We'd love to hear from you if you need a rock star team to ideate and build your next venture!If you are a passionate and creative venture builder yourself - we definitely want to hear from you!

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What we mean with Impact and our manifesto

Impact Ventures

Hout Bay Haus is a creative and forward-thinking Venture Builder uniquely positioned for the era of decentralisation. We design, build, launch and scale real-world digital businesses powered by the transformative capabilities of Web3. In addition, we engage in partnerships with Non-Profit Organisations, driving impactful projects underpinned by the principles and advancements of Web3 capabilities.Central to our operations is our unwavering commitment to a set of guiding principles outlined in our manifesto. Notably, we are driven by the imperative to facilitate both social and economic change, thereby contributing to the Just Transition. The principle of "Zero Harm" underscores our non-negotiable dedication to ethical practices across all aspects of our work.Our impact is categorically realized across three pivotal domains:Economic success
Tailored to the specific venture we co-create with you; we navigate towards financial targets that define our success.
Strategic Thrive
Partnering with Hout Bay Haus forges a direct path to broadening your ecosystem allure, amplifying brand equity, fortifying future positioning, and heightening your competitiveness.
Social Empowerment
Our initiatives are designed to enhance individuals' quality of life, fostering autonomy and enabling a more self-determined existence within thriving communities.
Hout Bay Haus serves as the operational nucleus of the Venture Studio and its collaborative network. As architects of strategy, executors of venture development, talent scouts for skilled builders, facilitators of synergistic partnerships, and stewards of a thriving community, we underpin every facet of our partners' and ventures' success.

Our Manifesto

We strive to make a positive impact in today’s world by using commerce and business to change the lives of young people and preserve the beauty and uniqueness of our planet. We do so by building high-impact ventures which use Web3 capabilities to achieve a more inclusive, fair, accessible, and protected world of opportunities and prosperity.
Zero harm
Zero harm to any living being. Zero harm to the planet and nature. We check and test everything we do against this value.
Support for a Just Transition
We strive for every venture we are building to have a demonstrable impact in support of a Just Transition.
Community & Ecosystem
We are a small team of experts, and only the power of community will allow us to thrive and build ventures that can scale. We believe in the power of ecosystems, the strength of a larger collective that works towards common goals. We believe that Partnerships will be programmatic in the future and as such an integral feature of defined ecosystems.
Internal and External collaboration is imperative to achieve our goals and realise our values. Hence, we are committed to perfecting the tools, methods, and processes that allow us to collaborate in a multi-dimensional way for planned & desired outcomes.
Web3 Primacy
Web3 is the internet of the future. The key principles of Web3 - such as trustless, permissionless, and decentralised, native payments - underpin that new internet. Because it enables an internet and peer-to-peer-to-many communications and transaction mode that is censor-resistant, open, accessible, programmable, and has superior economic and governance properties supporting innovation at scale accessing much larger communities and brain pools it will eventually become integral to all software, digital value propositions and ventures, small and large. We recognise the significant Web3 challenges nowadays in terms of accessibility, UX, and knowledge gaps that prevent faster adoption.
We believe that driving the adoption of Web3 capabilities for real-world business is one of the most important missions in the quest for Web3 adoption and proliferation.

decentralisation delivers business value

Web3 is ready for business

The potential of the existing Web3 stack to positively impact Real-World-Business has been proven yet we recognise that organizational adoption remains low at present.Outside of Fortune 500-type companies in the financial, tech, and retail sectors the opportunity landscape for Venture Building powered by Web3 is just starting to evolve.We believe that driving the adoption of Web3 capabilities for Real-World-Business is one of the most important activities in the quest for Web3 adoption and proliferation.Hence building ventures enabled by Web3 together with organisational partners will be one of the meaningful paths to accelerate the transition to the new, decentralised internet and create a greater impact.Web3-powered and enabled Real-World ventures will be more competitive, innovative, disruptive, privacy-protecting and user centric.We use the term “Web3 capability” as an umbrella term that captures and includes all governance models, infrastructures, technologies, tools, and communities that follow the core tenets of Web3.Real-World-Business (RWB) is any type of business, use case, operation, application, project, or venture, that is not native to the crypto and Web3 world itself but reaches and is used by humans and organisations.Think of a consumer paying for groceries at the supermarket till. Or an automotive supplier dispatching goods. Or a waste picker being paid for plastic collected. Or a student obtaining a degree.Many Web3 capabilities are mature and secure enough to perform in an RWB context and even fully replace existing capabilities (read legacy) in some instances. We call these capabilities “Web3 RWR”, meaning “Web3 Real-World-Ready”. Web3 RWR is enterprise-grade, secure, scalable, and user-friendly and can be used either off-the-shelf or with little customisation/ development.We believe in a future where Web3 will mean that everything in business becomes composable and modular - budgets, processes, services, products, contracts, even entire companies.

Welcome to “Business Web3”.

“Business Web3” is the part of the new decentralised internet where blockchain infrastructure (the network), smart contracts (automated execution) and tokenisation (digital assets) is used in ways directly supporting and benefitting existing and new business models and operational processes.

Hout Bay Haus accelerates your innovation into web3

How we create value for you

Alignment with your strategy

We work within the parameters of your existing company & digital transformation strategy, helping you to achieve formulated and committed strategic goals.

Aligning with your existing Corporate Venturing Framework

Wherever you are on your Corporate Venturing journey, we will enhance and enrich your Venture Building capabilities and Innovation Play. By designing, validating, and launching digital ventures testing new business models which expressly make use of Web3 Real-World-Ready capabilities and support your strategy, fit into your company’s processes where necessary, and work with your existing enterprise stack and product development we traverse all innovation types. We are equally comfortable building ventures which are deliberately aiming for incremental innovation effects as well as working with you on truly disruptive ventures which test the boundaries of your industry and customer base.

Focus on CX and ROI for your Web3 Project

We don’t want to boil the ocean with capabilities that are in most instances still foreign to most people in your organisation. Hence, we prefer to use Web3 Real-World-Ready capabilities in small doses, only where it really makes sense. We are technology agnostic and focus on the best tech or capability to get the job done. The focus on ROI for a venture will help us with this, since we need to make sure that the venture model works in the first place, no matter what we work with. Web3 capabilities have to perform in a Real-World Venture on the same level as anything else - secure, reliable, scalable, and a great CX. Once Web3 components used in your venture have proven themselves and contributed positively to your innovation premium we jointly scale their use.

Our services

We offer end-to-end venture building of digital impact ventures, from Ideation to Design, Development & Building, Validation, Launch, and to Growth. We cover all disciplines required to build a venture - such as partnering, finance, governance, legal, technology, growth marketing, design, commercial, and product.

HBH Lifecycle

How we engage and share value

How we engageWe are flexible in our engagement with you and can execute via teaming agreements, venture-building contracts or shareholder agreements/ token issuances.Value creation & sharingThe value we jointly create can be realised via exits, revenue sharing, or royalties, all depending on the specific venture and your preferences.

We take inspiration from a special place

Hout Bay - a world in a valley

We derived our name from one of the most diverse, beautiful, unequal, and energetic places in the world - Hout Bay in South Africa.Old and new, poor and rich, low and high tech, run-down and beautiful, privileged and disadvantaged, slow and fast, small business and industrial factory, hard work and leisure - many opposites coexist in this unique valley.That’s why we see Hout Bay as the perfect microcosm and real-world place that will give us an intellectual and practical home to develop the ideas and ventures that bridge new tech into the real world, no matter where in the world we are.

Hout Bay Haus - the Venture Studio where the future and its community live.

Web3 capabilities used in business today

Existing use cases

Businesses all over the world are already using Web3 Capabilitties. Below cases are a random draw from the ever increasing pool of "Web3-in-Business" success stories.


Reducing friction in cross-border transactions for remittance customers

Instarem is leveraging Ripple Payments to streamline internal treasury operations for InstaRem and their global SME customers.


Employee engagement project for its 5000+ staff

Pluxee drops NFTs with a twist: They’re for Employees, Not the Public. Major brands have been making interesting moves with NFTs, but here’s an example that’s decidedly different from the typical consumer-facing fare: a division of European food services and facilities management giant Sodexo just launched tokenized profile pictures (PFPs) for all of its employees.


Allianz launches blockchain claims solution

Allianz, Europe’s largest insurer, went into production mid-May with a solution to streamline international motor insurance claims. The enterprise blockchain platform has been deployed across 23 European subsidiaries.


Green Ship Token Capital Raise

Vogemann Shipping Group was looking to finance “green” ships that were more sustainable. With iVE.ONE as its tokenization provider Vogemann could finance modern, energy-efficient bulkers with a total volume of USD 50 million raised through blockchain technology.


Eliminating Supply Chain Blindspots

Zambian Breweries began buying the cassava harvest from smallholder farmers through BanQu, whose non-crypto blockchain technology creates a permanent record of transactions that helps farmers build a permanent history of their harvest.

Pick n Pay

Pick n Pay now takes Bitcoin as payment

At the South African grocery retailer Pick n Pay's over 1600 stores customers can now pay for purchases using Bitcoin – thanks to the retailer’s partnership with CryptoConvert, in collaboration with Luno and VALR.

Solana Pay

Solana Pay integrates plug-in with Shopify for USDC payments

Solana Pay, a decentralized payment protocol by Solana Labs, has integrated its plug-in with Shopify, allowing millions of businesses on its platform to use it for payments, TechCrunch was told exclusively.

More studies and long read sources on “Business Web3” we found useful:

1. From Buzzword to Biz World: Realizing Blockchain’s Potential in the International Business Context - Juan Du, Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Catherine Welch, 2023

Summary: Blockchain is becoming more popular and is being studied for potential use in business scenarios. This article looks at 16 international business use cases for blockchain and considers the 3Es (extensiveness, evolvability, and enabling) and 3Vs (value, vision, and viability) of the technology. It also provides a framework for decision-makers to assess and develop blockchain for successful adoption.Hout Bay Haus Comments: This is a great study that helps to understand real-world use cases for blockchain in the enterprise world. We have two constructive comments on this great work by the authors:1) There appears to be only a small number of enterprise tech providers considered in this study. We believe a more diverse approach might have led to additional insights.2) In several use cases and various vendor statements the “immutability” of the blockchain solution in question has been highlighted. In all these cases a private, permissioned blockchain is at play, which means that “immutability” in these instances is rather a loose concept that requires an informed understanding of, inter alia, the underlying conditions, consensus rules, and trustworthiness of participants. True (or a high degree of) “immutability” as achieved by fully decentralised public blockchains, most notably Bitcoin and Ethereum, cannot be achieved by these private enterprise solutions.We do emphasise this point since for some of the use cases, such as Supply Chain Management and Traceability for instance, the attribute “immutable” carries the important message for the public that the outcomes can be trusted by virtue of the underlying data and transactions being “unchangeable”. We can safely assume that the wider public will associate such statements with the immutability of public blockchains. Since this is not the case, we urge vendors and other key players in the enterprise space to find a more fitting and nuanced formulation for the benefits of safe and secure data transfer and management using enterprise blockchain solutions.Immutability is not necessarily a key feature in those use cases, nor is it needed. It will most likely be sufficient to demonstrate that the data has not been tampered with.

Team & Advisors

Meet the Venture Builders

Hout Bay Haus is a team of highly talented, creative, and experienced venture builders on a mission to drive enterprise adoption of Web3.We are all fanatics for modern ways of working, agile collaboration, and a razor-sharp focus on value creation.Our team experience spans wide and deep across top brands and projects in Web3, Web2, Digital, Software, Telco, Banking, Private Equity, M&A, Management Consulting, Operations, Innovation, Disruption, and the list goes on.Hout Bay Haus venture builders have experience as entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, executives, leaders, subject matter experts and builders.


Our world-class advisors are actively involved in our pursuit to build Real-World Ventures which are simply better by harnessing the power of Web3. They all are highly accomplished and hugely experienced builders, thought leaders, philanthropists, and investors in social, tech, and Web3 themselves.

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